Ethan | Cohost | 14-17 | Male | He/Him | Trainer Gold ficitve | active since: 2012 | birthday: July 21st

This is one of our cohosts, Ethan! He loves to make new friends! He also anwsers to Gold, if you'd like to call him that instead. He's a trainer Gold fictive from Pokemon, and has been a host since late 2016. He is very close with his cohost, and boyfriend, Argento. He also has another boyfriend in our partner system, named Sylvester.
He truely is really bubbly, and friendly. He enjoys talking to people, so if you see him fronting, feel free to text us! He'll be more then happy to make a new friend!

Argento | Cohost and Protector | 18-19 | Male | He/Him | Rival Silver ficitve | active since: 2012 | Birthday: December 24th

This is our other cohost, Argento. He'll also anwser to Silver, or Maxwell if you rather call him that! He's a bit cold, and doesn't really like to talk to people he's unfamiliar with. He can be a bit aggresive if he feels that you are acting impropriety with Ethan, to any degree. He is dating Ethan, and also has two other partners in our partner system, Sylvester, and Salem. He is a trainer Silver fictive, and dislikes when people kin his partner Ethan. Once you've gotten to know him, he gets alot better at talking, and will anwser you more frequently.

Jay | Protector and gatekeeper | ageless immortal | Male | He/Him | faceclaim: Ken Amada | active since: 2009 | Birthday: January 1st

Jay, is the protector of our whole system. He's rather composed overall, but he most likely will not speak all that much, or at all to those he is unfamiliar with, and isn't all that great with anwsering messages, but if you so desire, you're free to text him. However, the chances of him anwsering are rather slim. He is very close with Red, and Angel. He is their legal guardians, and is very protective of them. He enjoys Persona 3, scene aesthetic, rythem games, vocaloid, and Y2k aesthetic. He likes to talk about his boyfriend, from our partner system, Pride, as well.

Jax | Ethan's Protector | 24 | Male | He/Him | faceclaim: Childe | active since: 2019 | Birthday: January 5th

This is Alexander. He is a bit shy, and most likely, will not interact, as he doesn't really like to interact with teenagers on the internet. He's trying to get out of his shell, and wants to try and make his presence more known. He enjoys anthropology, taxidermy, history, true crime, and now is starting to get into Genshin Impact. He is Ethan's protecter, and is very close to him. He also considers himself to be married, to his husband Zachary in our partner system, with two kids, Xiao, and Ganyu.

Red | Gatekeeper | ageless immortal | Nonbinary | He/They/It | Trainer Red Ficitve | Core | Birthday: February 7th

This is the system big brother Red. He is HIGHLY delsional, and does affect the way he interacts with people, so please be patient with him. He will often speak of his husband who goes by, Green, his son, Pride, and other child, Leo. He often belives the year is sometime in the future between 2030-2040. You are not to try, and correct him about the date, or his relationship. He can occasionally make no sense when speaking. Be paccient if he's trying to communicate something. He's the system big brother, and can be very defensive of us all. He loves spending time with Jay, his twin sibling Angel, and Romeo in headspace. Do not talk about touching him. He is selectivly mute.

Josh | protector | 10-16 | Male | He/Him | Faceclaim: Razor | active since: 2019 | birthday: November 6th

Josh doesn't front often, but when he is here, he tends to be very talkative, anwsering everyone. He can come across as a bit aggressive, or on a good day rude, but I promise he normally doesn't mean harm. He can get very agressive when he feels like someone is being hurtful twords ones of our system members, especially Jay. We tend to call him "Jay's attack dog". However start off on a good note with him, and I'm sure things will be fine. He enjoys, bandori, love live, vocaloid, and kpop girl groups.

Romeo | system member | 16 | Male | He/Him | Faceclaim: Marth | Core | Birthday: February 7th

Romeo, was our orignal host! After being dormant for several years now, he has awakened once again. He doesn't front much, anymore, but please if he does, be kind to him. He's the self proclaimed "everyone's prince charming". Jay, Red, Angel, Ethan, and Argento, are all his personal protectors. He enjoys most Nintendo, 2000s anime, pokemon, kirby, and fire emblem.

Ruby | care taker | 14-20 | Male | He/Him | Trainer Ruby fictive | active since: 2011 | Birthday: July 2nd

This is Ruby! He's an alter out of dormancy. He's really kind, and very excited to make new friends. We don't know much about him, but he seems very exicted to be here! He is a fictional introject of Ruby, from Pokemon. He seems to like music from the 70s, and 80s, along with his source.

Angel | gate keeper and cohost | Ageless immortal | Nonbinary| They/Them | Minato Arisato Fictive | Core | Birthday: Febuary 26th

This is Angel. Though they are immortal, they tend to present as someone in their early 40s. Angel, and their husband, Apollo, take a parental role in our system. Though, Angel can present as a young teenager, when speaking with those who are around that age. They are Red's protector, and twin sibling, and are also very close to Jay, who acts as a parental figuire, and mentor for them. When they get shy they might leave suddenly. Don't take it personally, they're just a bit nervous. They like to spend lots of time with their husband, Apollo, in headspace. They often talk about all three of their husbands, two of which are from our partner system, Xiao, and June. Angel is also very close with their older brother, Looker. Angel is also the host of the Angelic sub system. Feel free to meet their alters as well. They don't front often, but we made them all a carrd anyways.

Danny | protector | 18 | Male | He/Him | Faceclaim: Danny Phantom | active since: 2016 | Birthday: April 4th

Danny is another alter straight out of dormancy. He is not a fictive, he just REALLY likes Danny Phantom. He only seems to front at night for random periods. He's strange, and isn't here alot. Not to mention he doesn't seem very talkative. I doubt anyone will speak to him, but I thought I'd mention him just in case. We like to call him our watch dog.

Dil | internal helper | 20 | Male| He/Him | Faceclaim: Len Kagamie | active since: 2020 | Birthday: March 3rd

This is Dil. He doesn't front too often, as he is an internal helper, and a mediator for other alters, but when he is here he enjoys spending time with our little sister, playing project diva, and learning to compose vocaloid music. He spends alot of time close to front though, and probaly won't list himself as fronting, but will tweet about his intrests. He enjoys Love Live, Bandori, D4DJ. He is very fun and easy going. I'm sure he'd be happy yo befriend you.

Cuervo | internal helper and gatekeeper | 16 | Male | He/Him | Goro Akechi Fictive | active since: 2021 | Birthday: June 2nd

This is Cuervo, but he also goes by Crow. He doesn't tend to front much, since he is Jay's assistant, and is considered a "grim reaper in training". When he is here though, he seems to enjoy Demon Slayer, crows, and unsolved crimes. He isn't particularly attached to his source, and doesn't mind if Goro kins follow us. He loves his boyfriend Moon!

Sam | soother | no age | No gender | He/It | Face claim: Gakupo | active since: 2010 | Birthday: unknown

This is Sam. Not much is known about him, though appernetly he's been active since about 2010, and just now wanted to make himself known. He's a shape shifter, and seems to not have an age! He is Red's soother, and his "imaginary friend".

Leo | soother | 16 | bigender | They/she/he | Face claim: Yu Narukami | active since: 2021 | Birthday: June 26th

This is Leo! They're a recently formed alter, and are Red's child. They consider Argento to be an older brother of sorts, and Romeo, and Angel to be their uncles. They are very high energy, and very excitable! They love Persona 4, Vocaloid, Bandori, Love Live, and My Hero Academia. They are very chatty, and like to be around people! Their dad, and other family members are rather protective of them. They may also speak of Pride, someone who they consider to be their brother in our partner system, and Green, someone who they consider to be their other dad.